The Importance of Climate Resilience in the Transport Industry

Adaptable Asset Management Services: Addressing Climate Risks in the Transport Sector's Asset Strategy

The Importance of Climate Resilience in the Transport Industry

In the face of increasingly frequent and severe climate events, industries across the globe are re-evaluating their readiness. One industry that sits squarely at this crossroads of necessity and innovation is transport. With an intricate network stretching across vast landscapes, its very nature exposes it to a spectrum of climate risks. However, the transport sector's pivotal role in economies, societies, and individual lives accentuates the urgency for its adaptation.

Let's delve into why climate resilience is not merely an option but a mandate for the transport industry.

The Climate Challenge

Globally, we've witnessed rising sea levels threatening port infrastructure, extreme heat distorting rail lines, floods inundating roads and tunnels, and storms grounding flights or toppling over electrical lines powering public transport. Each of these incidents carries a hefty economic price tag, but beyond that, they disrupt lives, supply chains, and the pulse of modern cities.

The Transport-Climate Feedback Loop

Transport doesn't just suffer at the hands of climate change; it's also a contributor.

According to the International Energy Agency, transport accounts for approximately 24% of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion

This feedback loop of transport systems both contributing to and being affected by climate change makes it imperative for the industry to evolve swiftly.

Asset Management: A Pillar of Resilience

For transport, resilience isn't just about bouncing back—it's about bouncing forward. This is where strategic asset management plays an indispensable role.

  1. Risk Assessment: Comprehensive assessments can predict which transport assets (like roads, bridges, tunnels) are most vulnerable to specific climate threats. This knowledge enables prioritisation and informs decision-making on design and maintenance.
  2. Lifecycle Approach: By considering an asset's entire lifecycle, from design and construction to decommissioning, we can integrate resilience measures at every phase. This approach ensures longevity and robustness, even in unpredictable climates.
  3. Data-Driven Insights: The use of predictive analytics, fed by real-time data from weather stations, traffic sensors, and satellite imagery, can forecast disruptions. This tech-centric approach enables the industry to take proactive steps, be it rerouting traffic or scheduling urgent maintenance.
For transport, resilience isn't just about bouncing back—it's about bouncing forward

The Broader Community Impact

When transport networks falter due to climate events, communities suffer. It's not just about being unable to get to work or missing an important appointment. It's about access to emergency services during calamities, the timely delivery of essential goods, or even the economic fallout of halted tourism. Ensuring climate resilience in transport safeguards communities, preserving their way of life and their very well-being.

Case in Point: The European Heatwaves

The European heatwaves of recent years provided a stark showcase. Rail tracks in the UK and Germany buckled under intense temperatures, leading to widespread service cancellations

Responding to these challenges, many European countries are now investing heavily in research, innovative materials, and design strategies to make their transport assets more resilient. For instance, the exploration of heat-resistant rail materials or the redesign of drainage systems to cope with heavier rainfall.

A Collaborative Path Forward

It's evident that no single entity can champion this cause alone. Climate resilience in transport demands collaborative efforts—industry players, policymakers, researchers, and the community at large must unite. Policies need to be forward-thinking, investments need to be strategic, and the general populace must be educated on the importance and benefits of a resilient transport network.


The transport industry's vitality is undeniable. It connects us, fuels economies, and facilitates modern life. But in an era marked by climate unpredictability, it's time to rethink and reshape our transport networks. With strategic asset management and a collective commitment to resilience, the industry can navigate the climate challenge, ensuring that it not only survives but thrives.

For a deeper exploration on how strategic asset management can anchor your resilience efforts and to discover innovative solutions tailored to your specific needs. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.


Shane Scriven, Managing Director at SAS-AM, stands at the forefront of redefining asset management with a focus on community impact and strategic innovation.
With a background rich in transport and community-focused asset management, Shane brings a depth of knowledge and a pragmatic approach to contemporary asset management challenges.

His career is marked by a commitment to integrating asset management strategies with a keen understanding of community needs. He is recognised for his expertise in
strategy, and his ability to translate complex concepts into actionable strategies that drive sustainable growth and operational excellence.

For those intrigued by the dynamic future of Melbourne's public transport network and its impact on our city, we welcome your curiosity and enthusiasm. If you're interested in delving deeper, sharing insights, or contributing to the conversation please don't hesitate to reach out. Your perspectives and participation are invaluable as we navigate this exciting journey together, shaping a transport network that not only meets our current needs but also paves the way for a sustainable, interconnected future. Contact us to engage further in this important dialogue.

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