Reliability Assessments of Hospital Critical Systems

Asset Data Information Management: Enabling Superior Healthcare Service Levels

Reliability Assessments of Hospital Critical Systems


To understand the asset configuration, reliability capability and maintenance requirements of the 8 critical support systems within the 6-hospital portfolio.

To develop an optimised lifecycle model and forecast which encompassed uptime, downtime and resource costings.  


SAS-AM worked with the NSW Health team to establish a configuration baseline for each of the 8 critical systems which included definition and description of configuration/asset types as well as functional and system definitions.

This configuration work was rolled into a larger reliability, maintenance and subsequently availability simulation effort encompassing over 400,000 optimising simulations.  


CONFIGURATION BASELINE: The NSW Health team now have a better understanding of their asset portfolio.

PERFORMANCE AND RISK STANDARDS: Systems of assets are now have their performance standards and risk appetites defined.

MAINTENANCE STRATEGY: The assets now have a documented asset maintenance strategy including task types, frequency, and resource requirements.

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